Tuesday, November 28, 2006

prayer more waterproof than any umbrella

I was cajoled into an instant bad mood this morning when I stepped out of the house and found it to be raining on my head. A swift u-turn took me back into my flat where I discovered that I did not have an umbrella to speak of to save me from the bloody London weather, beyond the protection of Flat 11’s walls.
I marched, huffing, to the bus stop where Ian (bless him for putting up with my moody rants) was greeted with instantaneous moaning about the foul weather. The refuge that is Starbucks was enough to comfort me for as long as it took to down a latte and then it was back out into the miserable day and once again my demeanour reflected an appropriate mood. Call it what you must, vanity if that is how you perceive it but, I hate having bad hair; I feel under-dressed and it just ruins my day.
So, I sent up a little prayer and asked God to please get me to work without looking like a wet dog, on arrival. And would you know, I got to my desk and the first thing a colleague said was, ‘You’re looking remarkably dry’. HA! Who needs an umbrella when you know the one who created the rain?

Friday, November 24, 2006

happy anniversary

It’s hard to believe that Ian and I have been together a year. People say that so often that you’d think by now we would have come to terms with the fact that time moves quickly but, no, it’s still puzzling.
We celebrated in true London style. Our evening commenced at the Elk Bar where we scored free nachos. It was going to be a good night.
Fox’s restaurant of choice was Sugar Hut, which, I’m convinced is a celebrity hang-out. The moody lighting, delicious menu (not the menu itself – you can’t actually eat that) and classy, yet comfortable, bar area are all attributes which are tasteful and pleasing and we unanimously decided, that it is our new favourite restaurant in London.
As Fox kept me guessing all evening, we tubed into Central London and found ourselves at St Arbucks, where we first met (aah). The real surprise was a booking for 2 at the London Abslout Icebar, a venue made completely from ice. Even the glasses are made from exclusive Scandinavian ice. Hence, freezing cold! By the end of our hour-long stint I could no longer feel my fingers, despite a futuristic-look fur ensemble and bear gloves. But it was still vastly enjoyable – I may have been cold on the outside but my heart felt warm (sorry, I just couldn’t resist!).
It was a truly fantastic evening, suitably apt in celebration of a wonderful year.

miracle ticket

As I sit here and contemplate this past year, I am awed by the number of miracles that have taken place. There is no disputing – God is good.
I called my Nans yesterday, just to say ‘Hi’ and mentioned to her that I was a little down about spending Christmas in London when I really wanted to be in South Africa. Half a day later and she had miraculously come up with a very large sum of money and insisted on buying me a ticket to South Africa. The ticket was booked before I had a chance to ask if I could even have the time off, knowing that when it comes to blessings, if God is moving, nothing can stand in his way.
I haven’t been this excited about something for a long time. Not only do I get to go back to PE for the first time in 4 years but the way in which it happened is such a testimony of God’s unfailing faithfulness. Yesterday morning, I read about trusting God yet still, I didn’t think to expect a miracle. Little did I know that, by the evening, a miracle is exactly what I would get.

Friday, November 17, 2006

not bored, never bored

I don’t really have anything to write about but, my workload has petered out and I loathe the idea of sitting at my desk sans stimulation. It’s a Friday afternoon and I find I am already in weekend mode, possibly due to my attire, which is a combination of jeans and Converse - not really a look that is conducive to professionalism, I’m forced to admit. I’ve used the last couple of hours dabbling in various admin tasks, both work-orientated and personal, so my expected productivity level has been satisfied for the week.
What to do, what to do……
I was recently challenged by the notion that most people don’t know how to do nothing. This to me, although I can appreciate the value and significance, is a wild idea. How can I sit and do nothing when there is just so much to do and only one lifetime in which to do it?! I fear it is this attitude that will eventually drive me to madness and force me into recovery in some tranquil establishment where I am forced to sit in a cane chair in a lovingly kept garden and play chess (note to self: really must get around to buying that ‘Chess for Dummies’ book). These days I have to work hard at convincing myself that I actually still enjoy my own company, never mind being alone AND doing nothing. Eek!
I’m not bored. The moment I profess that I am bored I am admitting that I am restricted so much by my surroundings that I cannot use my time for the very things that I deem important. In today’s ‘free society’ that is a crime worse than boredom itself. Enough! This is all too deep for Friday ramblings, if you ask me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

do what you wanna do

I’m feeling inspired, once again. Perhaps it’s the unexpected warmth of this November day in London; the blue sky as I walked to work and watched the world hurry by in auto-pilot, to start another routine day in the Capital.
I smiled to myself as I observed passers-by this morning. I tried to read their faces as they approached their day. Many offered blank expressions but, sadly, most looked rather unimpressed by the prospect of whatever activities awaited them.
Imagine a world where everyone was doing exactly what they wanted to; individuals living in fulfilled purpose. I think the sea of faces would convey a very different approach. It is a confronting reality that most people are living half a life. Have we just accepted our lot in life and settled for whatever gets thrown our way?
Call it restlessness, ambition or quarter-life crisis but, I know there is more. I don’t just feel it, I know it. I appreciate the value in waiting but, I also feel that there are times when waiting for things to happen is just an excuse not to get rejected or disappointed.
This is all a little deeper than I’m actually feeling today. I’m not even sure where it all came from but, there you go.
Would you do something for me this week? Decide on something that you really want to do and just do it (and then post a comment)! I think we just need the odd reminder than life is meant to be enjoyed.

Monday, November 13, 2006

back and feeling sturdy

I’ve been told by a certain devoted reader that, if I don’t start blogging again soon, they will stop reading. I’m sorry for being so quiet! Please don’t stop reading! It’s just that, lately, I have become somewhat settled. This has been a daunting realisation and has left me feeling a bit perplexed.
It has been a long time since I had a proper home. For so many years I have flitted from country to country with little regard of where life was actually taking me and now I’m here, at this point, with no prospect of going anywhere. Although strange, I know this is a good thing. I enjoy my life, even if it seems to overwhelm me from time to time.
Take this weekend for instance; I’m amazed at how much you can pack into a couple of days and still feel like you had a rest because your foundation is stable. I saw 2 movies, did my assignment, spent quality time with Fox, sat in Starbucks for 3 hours with Bron, had a pint of strawberry beer with Jo (okay I had it before you got there, Jo) and Erica, caught up with family around the world, went for a walk and had lunch and coffee along the Thames, went to church and still managed to have a mammoth lie in on Saturday morning. PHEW! It takes more energy just writing about it.
After a year of relative frenzy, I finally feel like I’m back in that place where it’s time to start giving out again. I never want to take the blessing of continual support from my loved ones for granted when life is renowned for throwing frequent curve balls. But God allows us to be strong for the times when those around us seem to need it the most. I learned, this weekend, that time is simply not an issue when you put your own agenda aside long enough to put God’s will first.

Monday, November 06, 2006

hey sista

My dad sent me some pics of my sisters today. I miss them! Aren't they cute?