Tuesday, April 17, 2007

just popping across to aus quickly

Congrats goes out to devoted bloggee, Mands, on her engagement on Saturday. Yes, she did see the irony in this (please see previous post).
In other news, a series of events unfolded thanks to a phone call from Fox yesterday morning. In the space of 12 hours we decided to fly to Aus and Bangkok, made arrangements with my family and the lovely Christina in Thailand and booked air tickets…for next week.
That’s right! We’re jet-setting across the earth next Wednesday on a holiday that is long overdue on my part. I haven’t seen my family and friends down under for over 2 years and was lamenting to this effect just this weekend.
I sat at my desk excitedly compiling a list of “things to do in Sydney” yesterday. I think Fox is already a little overwhelmed by my zesty enthusiasm.
I seem to have fallen into a habit of spontaneous long-haul trips. And it’s so much fun! I’m not sure my boss shares my sentiments. I think his blood runs cold when I walk into his office with a Cheshire cat grin.
So there you have it. For those of you in Aus, Don’t Say I Never Told You.

Friday, April 13, 2007

worlds going white...and its not snow

It’s that time of my life. Everywhere I turn someone else is getting married, or has just gotten married or wants to get married. I don’t use the term “everywhere I turn” lightly as I found out this morning, while eavesdropping on a phone conversation, that the guy who sits opposite me at work recently got engaged.
I received a group-mail from a good friend who is moving to Hong Kong, where her boyfriend is currently residing. The reply-all responses were mostly “marriage is around the corner” implications. Is there no shame in applying this sort of pressure to a couple?
I’m a bit of an anti-traditionalist. I’m just inclined to ask, “Where has the magic gone?” Not unlike the commercialisation of Christmas and Easter and other holidays, it seems to me that weddings are a big taffeta and flower infused headache right from the engagement until the couple drive away with tin cans jangling behind their marvellously trashed vehicle. I’m not discrediting the value of a grand celebration and I do believe it’s different strokes for different folks but, do couples do it for themselves or to please friends and family? My grandmother would probably cry into her ready-mixed marzipan if I was to axe the idea of a truly “big” day but surely that disappointment eases with time? Is it not enough that your offspring are truly content and no one has to sell their right kidney to pay for it?
I’m hoping I’m not forced to eat my words one day along with my big, ornately-iced fruitcake. I stand by the idea that the whole experience can be beautiful without the necessity of opulence and that the simple value found in commitment is enough to make it a cherished day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

run with the idea

Having been inspired by Easter Sunday’s message of new life, new beginnings etc, the notion of Ian and I running together in the mornings seemed to be a particularly good one. Yes, good ideas are always just that in theory…
I arise with the sun this morning as my alarm clock forces its way into my dream and causes a dishevelled state of bewilderment to my waking. Arriving at Ian’s, feeling perky and preparing myself to head down to the river, I reiterate my lack of physical activity during the last 18 months. We set off through the refreshingly quiet streets of Putney and I congratulate myself on the ease at which I am keeping pace and still managing to breathe. I have run for 2 whole minutes and I am fine!
As we pass a couple of pigeons enjoying the peace and quiet of a spring morning, Ian decides it is more fun to chase them mercilessly in spite of my cries, “Don’t do that, they’re going to poo all over me. Stop!” Halfway to the river my body starts to remind me that it has not broken a sweat in a long time and it is largely unhappy to do so. Despite my begging Ian refuses to relent and I arrive at the river gasping for air through my aching lungs and only marginally conscious.
We have conquered the downhill now we must make our way back up.
I beg and plead with Ian to let me walk and I propose to meet him at the top but it is no use trying to explain the concept of “building up stamina” to someone whose physical philosophy is “my body must learn”.
At breaking point I threaten Ian with the loss of a running partner and at, what I’m sure is, the sight of my beetroot appearance he leaves me in the dust of his tracks as he sprints up the road.
Back outside the apartment, as I force back the two Easter roasts I have consumed over the course of the weekend, I look down at my trousers to find the pigeons have, as predicted, pooped all over my shoe and trousers and I am just too shattered to really care.
Credit to Fox, he is a great motivator. The “good” idea to endure this torture every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is, however, less appealing than it was when I went to bed last night. But I will persevere and failing a greater endurance, I will simply run with my bus pass.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

a quick read

I remember now why I'm not a fan of library books. With a semi-scattered lifestyle it's particularly difficult to allocate the necessary time needed to complete a book in the allotted 3 weeks. It took me a while (3 weeks to be exact) to get into "This Book Will Save Your Life" by a.m. homes, so I went onto the local library's website to renew my book...only to receive this message "Was unsuccessful due to a reservation already existing by another library borrower".
Is there no justice in the world? Just when I want to know what will become of poor old depressed Richard Novak, whose mansion is about to fall into a sinking hole in his garden, I have to pass the book onto someone else.
I propose a new system whereby all those who know that they are going to take longer than the average "I have nothing better to do with my time" reader (don't mind me, I'm just bitter), get unconditional renewals.
So now I have two choices: a) go and buy the book or b) put my name onto the waiting list behind Mrs I. Readalot and Mr A.M. Abookworm and by the time it gets back to me I'll have to start from the beginning again and thus find myself caught in a vicious cycle.
I'm just sticking to 3-for-2 offers at Borders from now. And to whoever you are out there that reserved my book, maybe you needed it to save your life more than I did.