The Tale of Count Fox and Princess Rox
There once lived a raven-haired maiden, Princess Rox, in the Land of Grey Skies. She enjoyed eating chocolate, drinking coffee and reading books. She had many friends and went to a number of balls each month but her favourite thing was really to sit in her room and eat sweet treats created by Mr Benjamin and Mr Jeremiah confectioners, while paging thruogh the latest fashion catalogues.
It was arranged that
she was to wed the Duke of Dutchland. He seemed a kind enough man and while she
was not displeased by this prospect, she wasn't wildly excited by it either.
One day, after
Chapel, she and her friends retired to partake in the ritual to honour the
patron saint of coffee, St Arbucks. That day, a young adventurer, Count Fox,
joined the group. He had recently returned from the land of Gerrah and
enthralled the group by regaling tales from his travels.
Now Count Fox was a
gentlemen and as a courtesy he merely admired Princess Rox from a distance.
Count Fox tried to forget her but it was made all the harder by chance meetings
at social gatherings, when boarding carriages or browsing at the market. Poor
Count Fox fell more and more in love with the maiden against his will.
One day, the Duke
was due to arrive in the Land of Grey Skies to visit Princess Rox. But it
seemed that luck was on the side of Count Fox and the road by which the Duke
was to travel was badly damaged in a rock slide. The Duke had to turn back
toward his home with no way of now reaching the maiden.
Count Fox realised
this was his one opportunity to win the heart of Princess Rox. He invited the
maiden to dine with him and decided if the maiden added salt and pepper to her
food, he would declare his undying love. If not, he would remain silent and continue
his solo travels around the world.
Princess Rox arrived looking as beautiful as the Count imagined she would. He accompanied
her to the dining hall, not wanting to waste any time with pleasantries. He
showed her to the table as the servants unveiled a feast suited to the
The maiden made
light-hearted conversation as the Duke sat anxiously awaiting the start of the
meal. Finally, she picked up her cutlery and the Count lost heart, assuming she
had no intention of seasoning her meal. But then, the maiden replaced her cutlery
on the table and reached for the salt cellar. Her gesture was enough to
persuade the Count to declare his feelings and before she could pick up the
salt, he grabbed hold of her hand. As their eyes met, he hurriedly told her how
he felt about her and watched as her expression went from confusion to delight
in a matter of seconds. She had secretly been admiring the Count from the first
day they met and was delighted to learn of his affection.
They became the
greatest of friends after that evening and married after a time of courting.
Princess Roxaccompanied Count Fox on his travels but eventually they settled
in a lovely home in the Land of Grey Skies and had a family of their own.

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