Monday, June 11, 2007

big brother’s summer snare

It’s that time of the year again. Summer is here and TV producers need the “good stuff” to keep us indoors rather than leave us to enjoy the sunshine (I’ve merely heard of this phenomenon) and all that the outdoors has to offer.
This is when they pull out Big Brother.
I’m not even lowering myself to the depths of trying to describe the characters that we get to observe for 3 months. But as ludicrous as I might find the whole shenanigans, all it takes is one episode to hook me…and then I just can’t get enough. So, the trick is just to steer clear of channel-surfing during summer months because, low and behold, if BB is the only thing showing while I eat my dinner, I’ve had it! I’ll find myself coming home late at night and tuning into channel E4+1 just to watch the housemates sleep; or logging onto BBC each Monday to see who was evicted while I was out living my “real” life; or looking over my shoulder in Sainsbury’s as I page through a Heat magazine to read the latest on the quirkiest characters.
So far so good. I’ve merely caught snippets on the news of the latest evictee being thrown out of the house thanks to her use of the “n” word and have obtained minor feedback from Mom who gave me the rundown on her favourites. I might have lingered around reception a little longer than necessary this morning as I eavesdropped on a conversation, regarding evictions, between colleagues. But I’m really quite disinterested.
In reality, there is no avoiding the BB hype - you either get involved or you happen upon it. I’m well aware that the summer is in its infancy and I only have so much willpower. Perhaps I’ll make a habit of eating my dinner in the park.



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