Monday, March 26, 2007

sweet tooth blues

I have a 9:15am dental appointment tomorrow and I have to admit that I'm marginally worried. It turns out that my flatmate's friend used to work there and the lady dentist is great but the guy...not so good. I mean, the thought of a 'bad dentist' with access to the numerous tools that they have at their disposal is somewhat unpleasant. Even less amusing is the fact that I have to walk into work with half my face numb and the likehood of having drool down my chin is not unrealistic.
I have holes. I know because I eat A LOT of sweets and I can feel them with my tongue. When it reaches that stage there is no alternative - I will not escape filling free.
In fact, as you read this I'm probably lying back in the dentist's chair staring at the ceiling, listening to the sound of my own teeth being drilled away. On that note, enjoy your cup of tea, but are the long-term side effects of that sweet biscuit really worth it? I'll let you know.


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