Thursday, February 08, 2007

too much detail?

I know I haven’t written in a while and apologies to those of you who log on daily to get your roxblurb fix (no hate mail please). Things are hectic at the moment - so much going on and too little time to fit it all in.
This past Friday saw me ‘hitting the town’ for the first time in ages. Needless to say, it took a significant part of Saturday morning to feel ready to face the rest of the weekend. Saturday afternoon gave opportunity for a ‘girly’ catch-up with Jo and Bron and the evening was set aside as a date-night with Fox. We ended up at some dodgy curry house in central London after a drawn-out search for a place to dine but, décor aside, the food wasn’t half bad. A discarded mint wrapper in my bag tells me it was called Raj Tandoori Restaurant. Well there you go. Determined not to subject myself to another heart-wrenching film, I dragged Fox to see Dreamgirls. Despite his typical male anti-musical retorts of “Do they have to sing everything?” I found it to be an enjoyable, sing-along watch. A customary end-of-the-evening shake at Ed’s and our night out in London town was complete.
Sunday, I decided it was time to pay a visit to Hillsong after moving across to HTB 6 months ago. It was nice to walk in and still recognize faces. From there to HTB where we did a stint in the café and that was the weekend.
Tuesday night, a bunch of us stood in the freezing cold outside Shepherds Bush Empire waiting to enjoy the Switchfoot concert. Those guys are, in my mind, the perfect band - clean, punk-rock with a message. Being two-brick-and-a-ticky-high, I missed most of the show until Fox hoisted me into a piggy-back and there it was: a stage full of spunky rockers that I had missed for majority of the show. Having a 6ft4 boyfriend has its advantages (many more than just that though, Fox!).
Yesterday was Fox’s birthday and a big group of us dined at one of our fave little Thai spots, Sugar Hut. As usual, we succeeded in disturbing the peace of a, normally, chilled-out restaurant. It’s comforting to know that, as a group, we’re consistent.
That’s a (not so brief) summary of my shenanigans over the last week. Chances are that you weren’t too interested in a detailed itinerary of my activities and that a simple ‘hello’ would have done (thumbs-up for detail, hey Julz?!) but my blog wasn’t titled, as is, unconsciously.


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