away from home for christmas

My short stay in Cape Town was a blur of activity as Ian shared as much his world with me as he could possibly fit into 3 days. Having met in London, there was a large part of both our lives which, until then, had been a bit of a gap. Meeting his friends and seeing his world was wonderful and only confirmed all the good things I already knew about my amazing boyfriend.
I think I cried at least once a day, everyday, for the 10 days that I was there - it was good crying. I was happy to see my Grandparents, who have always been my stability regardless of what’s going on in my life. Being in a place that I know so well and seeing that, despite expansive development, it is still the PE I always knew, was comforting beyond words. Catching up with old friends (Lauren and Mands, special mention to you, my faithful blog readers!) was great and it never ceases to amaze me how you can so easily just pick up where you left off. I have since delighted in telling everyone back here in London that I ate my Christmas lunch with my feet in the pool. Aah, what bliss a bit of sunshine can provide. When Ian drove down to spend my last 2 days with me I was finished crying from happiness to be there and had begun my mourning at having to leave. Thank goodness he has big shoulders. Naturally, my Grandparents took great delight in having someone to whom they could reveal my nude baby pictures. Those gaps where we knew little about from where we both had come were now very small.
(Tina Turner eat your heart out!)
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