Friday, January 05, 2007

my place

It’s so good to be back in London. I know I grumble and moan about my busy schedule and how I never seem to get around to doing the simple chores like vacuuming but, the greatest feeling is knowing that you’re a part of something – even if it’s just your own life.
Having never been someone to appreciate the value of routine, I have spent the last year determined to try every possible route to work, I seldom cook the same meal twice in a month and my weeks are usually compiled of a variety of disconnected activities. However, lately I have started to welcome my daily routine - perhaps I will go so far as to say I crave it (gasp!).
To what do I owe this fresh approach to a regimented lifestyle? A cynic may suggest that it is the dawn of a new year and the prospects that discipline may offer. I think it goes deeper than that. Routine offers the comfort of familiarity and I think my recent trip back to my roots reminded me what it feels like to have a true sense of belonging. It doesn’t matter where it is as long as you feel you are an integral part of your environment. One definition of the word belonging is ‘to fit into a group naturally’. That’s exactly it. I don’t have to try - the progression into the life which I now live was completely natural and I have this reassuring sense that this is exactly where I am meant to be. I know I’ve written a lot on this particular topic but I have this overwhelming sense that I have found my place in this man-made monstrosity. I think I needed a look-in from the outside to see what I have. Humbly, now I do.


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