Friday, September 29, 2006

take 23...action...cut

I’m watching a movie. It’s a classic case of dramatic irony. As the audience, you know more about a character’s situation than they do. At the climatic moment you want to shout vital information to the actor that may stop them in their tracks and make them consider their next move very carefully. But reality kicks in and you know it’s just going to play out as scripted. Maybe you’ve watched it before. Maybe you haven’t. But either way, you have no control. And when all is said and done, maybe you want it to turn out exactly as it does – without your input.
Life can be like that. At times when you have no right to control, you may be screaming on the inside but it’s not going to change a thing. You have to sit back and trust that, whatever happens, you will find a way to be okay. You’ll just accept. You’ll know that there was nothing you could do to alter the scene and respect artistic licence. In this life, you’re never the director.


Blogger Bron said...

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4:35 PM  
Blogger Bron said...

wow....that sums up exactly how I am feeling right now.
Your best post to date in my humble opinion!

4:37 PM  

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