Friday, May 05, 2006

well adjusted balancing act

I’m feeling somewhat liberated by the fact that I have nowhere to be tonight. It’s Friday night and whereas, in the past, I may have felt a little sad staying home, I have no intention of leaving my house, other than if there is a fire or a flood and I am dragged down the stairs by a burly fireman. Besides that, I feel no pressure to hit the town or to be sociable. Does the fact that I don’t feel like a loser staying home on a Friday, with a good DVD and a wholesome home cooked meal, mean that I am finally discovering the secret to balance? These days, rather than jam-pack my schedule with obligations, there are allowances for enjoyable summer evenings in the company of my wonderful boyfriend in Hyde Park, or reading a book before bed because I’m home early enough and my flat mates don’t call me ‘the lodger’ anymore. I think I used to feel that if I wasn’t busy all the time, I wasn’t appreciating all that life had to offer, but I’m realizing that there is a lot to be said for quality time. When trying to be so many things to so many people I think I started to forget who I needed to be for myself. That’s my latest approach anyway. Maybe next week I’ll be sick of the sight of my bedroom walls and pull out the diary again. Could someone do me a favour and hide it away?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

roxy I am so happy for you and for everything you have achieved in the past year. I miss you so much. so so so much. I cant wait to see you again.

5:09 PM  

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