Wednesday, March 15, 2006

meme me-meeee

I was tagged (resist the surname jokes) by Briggs to take part in a meme, apparently started by Flashman.
The instructions are as follows

"Go into your PC's music library and delete five songs. Then tell us what they were, and why you snuffed 'em, in the harshest possible terms."

The obvious snag in this is that I don’t have my own PC and not even an IPOD to speak of (I suddenly feel very uncool…). So, I have decided to alter the rules suitably and start a rebellion against 5 bands that I would like to see deleted off the face of the planet.

Pussycat Dolls – puke, puke, puke. Must we be tormented by yet another stick-insect, Jessica Alba look-alike, flaunting her perfect body ahead of 5 other pretty, pouting pop-princesses? To make it worse, Nicole Scherzinger actually has a half decent voice and her conventional moves would ensure that she had a semi-decent solo career. So why doesn’t she lose the posse and spare the world the agony of yet another waste of music video airtime? Ugh…

Eminem – This is where I become one of those maternal type, tut-tutting fogies who is horrified by the influence of such a try-hard. Both my little sister and brother have, at some point, been awed by the ‘talents’ of this guy and the protector in me immediately wanted to shelter them from the ugly world that he portrayed through his lyrics. I don’t care if he can rap well. And I’m sorry that he had a crappy childhood (who didn’t?!) but you need to get over it at some stage and stop making the world listen to where you came from. You’re a freaking millionaire buddy!! Buy a few nice houses and start helping people who are in the same situation as you were and maybe you will start to sing about something a bit more uplifting than trailer parks and dope. You’re slim and obviously shady, but would you please sit down!

Sophie Ellis-Bexter
– I was told a few years ago that I had somewhat of a resemblance to this painful, not-quite-diva; this is probably one of the biggest insults anyone could throw my way. Did they not see that eye-shadow in Murder on the Dance Floor?? I was lucky enough to score tickets to Top of the Pops back in 2001 when it was still a good show. Imagine my horror when we were informed Miss Ellis-Bexter was performing that night. Not only did she look horribly uncomfortable attempting to move in time with the music, but I was aghast at how someone so off-key could sell so many records. Are we that starved for talent? Absolutely not. People are just too lazy to go out there and find it and would rather settle for the overplayed, manufactured rubbish that is offered on the Top 40.

This is more therapeutic than shopping…even though I do feel a bit mean…

Marilyn Manson – shame.

Backstreet Boys - Boy bands had their day. I will even go as far as to admit that I owned a couple of Westlife albums when they were big and I was young and naïve. But I can not understand how 5 boys on stage/screen doing ‘embrace me’ arm gestures and giving puppy-dog, ‘someone broke my heart’ looks can still be appealing. Just goes to show that record companies will exploit something until it is totally dead-in-its-tracks and then they will saturate the market with the next big seller and so an era is defined. Learn to play an instrument and show us some real talent, cause you’re old and you’re on the way out and you’ll need a fall-back plan!

It’s time for those of us who are wiser to step up and reveal to an impressionable generation what real music is.

Bron, you’ve been tagged.


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