Thursday, November 03, 2005

only momentary

I saw a girl I recognised on the train platform a couple of weeks back. I worked with her at BBC about 4 years ago and I knew there was no way she would remember me so I chose to keep reading my book. This morning on my way to work that same girl's face randomly showed up in my thoughts.
This made me dwell on individual influence and how we can let a chance meeting pass us by or we can take advantage of each opportunity, even if it begs a bit of risk on our part. All great achievements involved a 'gamble' somewhere along the way.
A fleeting, oportune moment may be all you are offered to change someones world. Even if it's just to elicit a smile, it may be all they need to face another day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very positive approach, the way you write about "missed opportunities." Yes, we shouldn't be shy in the world to just "hello" to someone. Unfortunately, we live in times when strangers often take advantage of the entire "hello" concept for want of money, fetish satisfaction, sex, sex for money, and money for sex. Anyway, allow me this opportunity to say hello from hawaii without any hidden agenda or want of $ or sex4$ and $4sex. Aloha :)

2:03 PM  

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