Friday, August 12, 2005

no such thing as free lunch

I happen to work directly outside the conference rooms on our floor at work and as a result benefit from catering that is regularly supplied for the meetings.
Today, one of the ladies came out and asked if I had had my lunch yet and offered me a nutritious salad which was spare as the 'wheat-free' lady never turned up.
Who said there is no such thing as a free lunch?
Five minutes later she came out and asked if I could assist in changing the temperature in the room. I was happy to oblige as she had just given me lunch. But this did mean that it was no longer free, as I had paid for it with my time which could otherwise have been spent surfing the net! A small price to pay but nevertheless, whoever came up with that theory has been proven right again and I lose another opportunity to point out genuine good in the world.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rox...You can not be serious.
You can not honestly believe that you have no opportunity to point out good in this world. I know somedays it is hard to believe that their is any good in the world. But trust me, things could be worse. Take the time and energy you invest in believing the wrld is a bad place and put in into thinking how much worse it could. Then thank you lucky stars that it isn't half as bad as that. Things happen for a may not always be able to see them or reap the benefits yourself but trust me, one day it will all come together for the good.
Good will always triumph over evil if enough people believe there is a greater purpose in life!!
Remember it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. So take a break from your exercise today and smile!

6:28 AM  
Blogger foxy_roxtar said...

Glad to see you bloggong Kirsty! Perhaps my English has failed me once again. I agree whole-heartedly with you that there is plenty of good in the world and the proof is in the fact I have smiled a lot more today than frowned.
It is true, however, that the negative is more widely publisized and while I wished rather to find something to sing about I have merely contributed to the contrary.
So, you have motivated me to find something happy to blog about!

6:49 AM  

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