Thursday, August 04, 2005

never got to say goodbye

I received a phone call from my father at 12:30 this morning to inform me that my great-grandmother passed away in Port Elizabeth in the early hours of the morning.
I had heard via the family grapevine that she was poorly a few days ago, but I don't think anything every really prepares you for the loss of a family member. It is so final. I will never get to see her smile again, or hear her voice or listen to her complain that she has been given soap for Christmas again!!
Rebecca van Niekerk lived a long life (we speculated about 92 yrs in our last family discussion on the topic of her age) and although she had her fair share of tragedies, I think she passed away feeling loved, thanks to my amazingly devoted grandmother who was faithful in serving and looking after her mother until she took her last breathe.
There is now a gap where she once stood and all we have are stagnant memories. Rest in Peace, Ouma.



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