Thursday, July 28, 2005

etiquette gone underground

Don't get me wrong - I love this city. But there are times, and perhaps my outlook is slightly tainted by sleep deprivation, that you wish you could fly rather than be subjected to the nightmare that is the London Underground.
This morning, as well as the stations being infested with fully armed police officers, the severe delays resulted in me being late for work when I should have arrived half an hour early.
I'll cut to the worst of it - some nasty guy shoved me out of the way to get to a seat that was rightfully mine and several fellow passengers, unapologetically, elbowed me in the head. But the BEST was the man exiting the station in front of me: he put his (defective) ticket through the gate and when his didn't work I had already touched mine through. So he casually strolled through the gate on my ticket as I was viciously thumped back by the brutal barriers. Just to taunt me, he turned and gave me a cheery smile before sauntering off. I proceeded to 'huff and puff' my way to the station assistant who then interrogated me on the authenticity of my ticket. Did he not realise that I was a victim in a world with no protocol, where it is simply a case of 'survival of the fittest'?

But it can be fun too as Annie Mole points out in going underground.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Roxy, you bring a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.....
Let us not forget where we come from...a country with absolutely no transport infrastructure, and if you dare get into a "taxi" chances r high you will never be seen I say thank goodness for Irritating passengers

:-) sorry just playing devils advocate

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night i was in a cab and i had the most indecisive driver. we would stop at a set of lights and it would appear we were to be going straight ahead then he would chose to put the blinker on and turn left! and he was ALWAYS changing lanes and took the longest possible route cause of his constant changing.

Do you know what this meeans roxy? We must walk (or drive) to be truly free!

6:11 PM  

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